Proinsermant, confort engineering
How would you describe your company in a Tweet?
Proinsermant. Comfort engineering. Making your ideal home a reality.
Give us a little more detail about your main business activity and the sector you work in.
Our business centres on providing technical installations to high-end homes, offering solutions for all phases of a technical project: consultancy, design and execution of projects. The execution of works is undertaken by highly specialised personnel. We offer excellent post-sale service, taking charge of the maintenance of equipment and ensuring all machinery remains in perfect condition.
What expectations do you have of providing your services in Marbella and its area of influence?
Marbella and its surrounding areas are the nucleus the high-end residential tourism sector, for reasons we all know (its excellent climate, location, infrastructure, etc.). It is a cosmopolitan market which is highly demanding, and this has helped us forge the unique identity of our company. Although Proinsermant works in any location where clients who typically require our services us are present, Marbella will always be important for us, since there has always been a high demand for our services here. As this area is so cosmopolitan, it enjoys a relatively stable economy.
What is your opinion of high-end residential tourism?
It is a privilege to be able to lend our services to this sector. The diversity of clients, their economic status and their interest in culture, have enriched the areas where they are present, in many ways.
What elements should a high-end villa possess?
Location, aesthetics and functionality, made to measure to meet the needs of end users. The majority of our projects feature the kind of functionality you would normally find in small boutique hotels: a welcoming climate, lighting scenes, spa areas, exterior and interior pools, central control, etc. By respecting the scale of each project, it is possible to enjoy highly satisfactory features which add value to a home.
To which companies would you recommended sponsorship of the international architecture prize?
Any company which considers the construction of a home to be a dream come true for its future owners; companies which can offer an array of quality solutions so the diverse processes involved in bringing a clientβs vision to life, can take place.
What has motivated you to sponsor the architecture prize?
Without a doubt, our desire for Marbella to be recognised as a standard bearer for high-end tourism. Sponsoring the prize is our way of thanking the sector that saw the birth of our company and allowed us to forge our identity. The sector has given us so much for over 30 years.