Vaillant is a top quality partner
How would you describe your company in a Tweet?
We are a German company with 140 years’ experience in climatisation. We are a leader in highly efficient solutions in the renewable energy sector.
Give us a little more detail about your main business activity and the sector you work in.
We provide heating (domestic and residential). We focus on solutions involving gas boilers (manufacture, design, support of installations and post-sales maintenance). We also provide systems that consume gas (including heaters, gas accumulators and gas-powered micro-generation systems and fuel cells). In the last few years, we have increased the level of our activity in renewable energies, to find solutions for heating, climatisation and the production of hot water for buildings (solar thermal energy, pellet boilers, geothermal and aerothermal energy).
What expectations do you have of providing your services in Marbella and its area of influence?
We have very high expectations of Marbella and its area of influence. The demands posed by the luxury real estate sector are high in terms of technical excellence (the design of installations), reliability of products and quality of post-sales service. The key is to work alongside top quality partners (in the areas of engineering, installation, maintenance).
What is your opinion of high-end residential tourism?
It generates an important volume of business for Marbella’s economy. Without a doubt, it will be a driving force in boosting the economy in the long-term.
What elements should a high-end villa possess?
Design, architectural integration, exclusivity, quality of materials and, from the point of view of energy and interior comfort, maximum efficiency combined with the highest standards of comfort.
To which companies would you recommended sponsorship of the international architecture prize?
Companies, which are capable of providing innovative and quality solutions.
What has motivated you to sponsor the architecture prize?
The idea of attracting top-level international architects by inviting them to take part in an architecture prize is an innovative way of placing Marbella and its excellent business potential, at the centre of this sector.